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Classes for Adults

Adult Classes

Teachings are based on the principles of Yoga Therapy- “The process of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and well being through the application of the philosophy and practice of yoga”- IYAYT 

Weekly group classes are beneficial for all, whether treating a health challenge or for general wellness. Classes combine flowing movements of asanas (poses) with a focus on alignment, conscious breath, and holding postures to build strength and develop mental focus. Through this emphasis on alignment, awareness, and breath, this practice empowers the ability to self heal, reduce tension, and to foster peace of mind.

Open to all levels of practice and abilities.

Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30pm,

1000 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901

Cost is $15 per class, $12 per class if purchased in a series of 10 ($120).

To register or for more information please contact Melissa Bornia, RYT (here).